Hoang Minhthien 
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Hoang Minhthien 
Вступила 1 месяц назад
О пользователе
Hoang Minh Thien noi tieng voi nhung tu van phong thuy ca nhan hoa, giup khach hang tim ra giai phap phu hop nhat voi tinh hinh cu the cua ho. Ong luon dat tam huyet vao tung du an, tu viec thiet ke noi that den viec chon lua cac vat pham phong thuy. Voi triet ly "Hai hoa va can bang," Hoang Minh Thien mong muon mang den cho moi nguoi mot cuoc song binh an va thinh vuong. Su tan tam va uy tin cua ong da giup Phong Thuy Dai Bang tro thanh mot nguon tai nguyen quy bau cho nhung ai quan tam den phong thuy va mong muon cai thien chat luong cuoc song cua minh.
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